Thanks to my 7 year old daughter, I have had an awakening. She loves me.
Many days I wake up fight to get her and her siblings awake, fed, then to school. Then I fight to get them home, homework done, fed, bathed, ready for bed and then we rush through our nightly prayers so I can go do my homework and get myself to bed at a decent hour--10 o’clock usually.
I have had to literally peel this child off of me and out of the car. I have had to get in the car with teachers to head her off at the pass so she will not run out into the road. --THE HARDEST thing I have ever had to do.
When trying to stave off a temper tantrum I finally asked Emily what she wanted from me. She simply wanted to spend time with me--like other moms do with her friends at school.
We made a deal--it worked. I promised to eat lunch with her Friday if she would go to school without a problem Monday thru Friday. She did. When I went in on Friday the secretaries at the front of the school said that she was practically floating because she was so happy.
Ch-ching! She just wants time with me-her mom. The whole lunch time she was quiet with a grin from ear to ear. She was giggling . . . yet quiet. She was at peace--something I have not seen in a long time. I could sense the joy because it radiated from her very being. We shall have another date like this. Why? Because she loves me, and I love her.
okay, not a great idea reading your blog when I'm sick because it just makes me cry. love you and love your kids.